Zagalhta's Exolunar Collection: A 5th Edition Expansion

A project in Vancouver, Canada by Nat19

Status: Active

A 250+ page 5th-Edition expansion, bringing a science-fantasy cosmos to your table! Classes, spells, monsters and more!
Backers: 1146
Average Daily Pledges: $8,865 CAD
Average Pledge Per Backer: $108 CAD

Funding: $124,104 CAD of $15,000 CAD
Dates: Mar 1st -> Apr 1st (31 days)
Project By: Nat19
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$124,104 CAD

current pledge level
Last Updated: 12 minutes ago


of goal

$283,666 CAD

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Trends are not projections.


of goal

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Latest News

100k! STL Stretch Goal Met!

March 5th - via:
In only five days we've crushed $100,000 CAD! That's so wild! That means we've unlocked the STL tier, which will be voted on after the campaign ends. We only have one more stretch goal in the works, before yet more will be added~! Think we can hit... (Read More)

Stretch Goals Hit + Soundtrack Use Clarification

March 4th - via:
We've hit another two of our stretch goals, and we are currently seeing the quickest growth of any of our Kickstarter projects! Thank you to everyone who has pledged so far to make this project the success that it is! The stretch goals we hit since... (Read More)

PDF Add-Ons - Lana's Vault / Risk & Reward

March 2nd - via:
In case anyone is interested in them, we've added Lyre's Guide to Risk & Reward and Lana's Fateful Vault as PDF add-ons, discounted from their usual price on DTRPG. If you want to go back and add them, please feel free to edit your pledge~! You... (Read More)

70k! Thank you so much!

March 2nd - via:
It's not a stretch goal, but thank you everyone for getting us up to 70k so quickly! I'm so excited to see this project come to life, and it's already exceeding our expectations!  We did hit another bestiary stretch goal however! The book will... (Read More)

Stretch Goal - Zagalhta Stone Dice Add-On

March 1st - via:
We've hit 50k in only six hours! This is intense! As of hitting this stretch goal, we've made the Zagalhta Stone Dice set available as an add-on, which you can configure your pledge to add! These stone dice are my personal favorite dice we've ever... (Read More)

Early Bird Tier Extension

March 1st - via:
Because you all blew through it so fast, we've extended the unit limit for the Early Bird Tier from 250 to 500 for a limited time to give other first-day backers a chance to catch it~! Thank you so much for your support on this project already,... (Read More)

Stretch Goal - Card Decks

March 1st - via:
We've hit another stretch goal! We've added two card decks to our add-on section - one is a deck with reference cards for monsters, NPCs and items, and the other is a deck for spells, class/subclass features, race/subrace features and other similar... (Read More)

Stretch Goals Hit!

March 1st - via:
We've hit the first three stretch goals for the project! More content will be added to the guide as described below, and once the Kickstarter ends we'll distribute the Nat19 music through BackerKit! As a sample of some of it, please see the video... (Read More)

Extra Copies Available As Add-Ons

March 1st - via:
We totally spaced on doing this, but additional copies (Standard and Limited) are available as add-ons now, in case you want both covers or you want to get extras! You can edit your pledge to add them if you wish to!  (Read More)

Funded in 10 Minutes!

March 1st - via:
I don't know what to say except that you guys are wild! Thank you so much! We're 22 minutes in, and funded in less than 10! Thank you so much! We're going to be looming over the project like a hawk as this thing takes off further!  (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!