EMPYREAN The Hyperfantasy RPG

A project in Hoboken, NJ by Hyperfantasy Handbooks

Status: Active

Experience a role playing setting/system that fuses Dungeons and Dragons 3E, Pathfinder 1E, and the d20 Multiverse for Any Adventure!
Backers: 17
Average Daily Pledges: $49
Average Pledge Per Backer: $87

Funding: $1,473 of $1,300
Dates: Feb 13th -> Mar 15th (30 days)
Project By: Hyperfantasy Handbooks
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Latest News

Even More Tracks for the OST of "Reality Unbound: Reclamation" (Book I, Levels 6-20)

March 13th - via: kickstarter.com
The Tower of Decay is a ruinous structure that is worn and decrepit. The silence of death fills the air. This simple stone tower is not very tall, but has several places in which it takes on a pallid, fleshy tone. The stench is overwhelming and... (Read More)

We're @ $1,000! [Super] Sized Update! MEET THE [SUPERHEROES] & [SUPERVILLAINS] !

March 12th - via: kickstarter.com
Superheroes[Afflicted Superhero]The [Afflicted] use Constitution as a Primary Focus and Wisdom as their Supportive Secondary. These Noble Monsters are feared due to creepy looks and strange curses torturing them. With training and adaptation, they... (Read More)

Additional Tracks for the OST of "Reality Unbound: Reclamation (Book I, Levels 6-20)"

March 11th - via: kickstarter.com
The Tower of Water. This ruinous Tower is partially sunken into the muddy ground and attracts clouds to it's top. There is a large collection of rainwater around the base that likely the reason that it is mired. Buzzing of insects attracted to the... (Read More)

Meet the Six Elementals of Divinity! (Decay, Hate, Moon, Shadow, Star, Sun)

March 10th - via: kickstarter.com
As we previously covered, with the [Arcane Elementals], which Split into Two Equal Triads of [Yang] (Earth, Fire, Lightning) and [Yin] (Ice, Water, Wind) :: Instead these [Divine Elementals] Split Into Two Equal Triads of [Dark] (Decay, Hate, Shadow)... (Read More)

Meet the Six Elementals of Arcana! (Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Wind)

March 8th - via: kickstarter.com
[Fire] is the Arcane Element of Strength. Ruby is the physical manifestation of Fire. Among the fiercest and most passionate in the family, [Fire Elementals] love a bar brawl or spicy debate. The flame's versatility allows crafting potent weapons or... (Read More)


March 7th - via: kickstarter.com
Well I've been using a new wand for these paint spells, so .. as you can see, I've fully updated ALL of the art for the Kickstarter (See the Mainpage) and even a couple of the charts (Archetypes AND Action Economy; Both Now Easier to Read!) with new... (Read More)

New Tracks for the OST of "Reality Unbound: Reclamation (Book I, Levels 6-20)" Just Dropped!

March 6th - via: kickstarter.com
The Tower of Earth. This Tower seems half buried, nesting within the ground and quite slanted, almost 'leaning' like another famous Tower. It seems a simple mixture of stone and mud in appearance; it's also very quiet or possibly abandoned. Not a... (Read More)


February 24th - via: kickstarter.com
No other TTRPG dares to dissect the undead like this! EMPYREAN is the only system that doesn’t just hand you zombies but gives you six grotesque nightmares, with distinct evolutionary paths of 33 Powers Each and unique Power Armors that push their... (Read More)

EMPYREAN LORE UNLOCKED : Renfo-Deux and the Demon City, Rasheedja

February 20th - via: kickstarter.com
Renfo-Deux is a Pact-Bound Summoner-Bard, a charismatic rogue-mage hybrid who straddles the line between con artist, combatant, and supernatural dealmaker. Given his mix of charm, magical prowess, and finesse, I'd say he fits something like: Core... (Read More)

Meet the [Femme Fatale]!

February 18th - via: kickstarter.com
[Femme Fatales] use Dexterity as a Primary Focus and Charisma as a Supportive Secondary. Blood, Pain, Sonic, Shadow, and other flavors of black magic are sung into reality by these vile Vixens. Songs of Evil are the sacred prayers that connect to a... (Read More)

Tracks for the OST of "Reality Unbound: Reclamation (Book I, Levels 6-20)" Just Dropped!

February 17th - via: kickstarter.com
You stir in an endless, unfeeling space. No pain. No memory—just a fog of thoughts slipping through your fingers like mist. The air is still—no sound, no light. A strange emptiness between worlds? Then, the flapping begins. A thousand wings beat... (Read More)

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