Europe Asunder 3: Late Napoleonic STLs

A project in Cardiff, UK by Henry Turner

Funding Successful

6-15mm STL files to build full armies for Russia and minor German States of the late Napoleonic period, Waterloo STLs add-on available
Backers: 127
Average Pledge Per Backer: £94

Funded: £11,990 of £2,500
Dates: Feb 28th -> Mar 14th (14 days)
Project By: Henry Turner
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Last Updated: March 14 @ 14:04 -0400 GMT


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Latest News

Polish Figures & Modular Redoubt Pack Images, plus painted Austrians

March 11th - via:
Hi folks! Thought I'd check in today to show my progress with my preliminary work on the stretch goals. I've been doing my best to make solid progress with these to showcase the stuff that's coming your way. I finished all the Polish Infantry STLs... (Read More)

Austrians Funded! Plus further Stretch Progress

March 8th - via:
Hi folks! You'll have to forgive me for there being no images in this update (nor my being able to update the images on the Kickstarter page); Kickstarter seems to be bugging out if I try to upload any at the moment and not letting me post... (Read More)

Meet the Austrians!

March 6th - via:
With the Aussies just £200 away (and my feeling confident that they'll fund in the final run), I've spent the last two days putting together the initial figures so I'd have some renders to share. So far I've produced Fusiliers in Helmets, Grenadiers... (Read More)

A word on the Austrians (Stretch Goal Changes)

March 4th - via:
Folks, I'd like to admit to a misstep and a bit of hubris on my part. I've approached this project from the very beginning under the firm assumption that the Austrians were guaranteed to fund, and planned things around that. I consider it effectively... (Read More)

March, march, Dąbrowski!

March 3rd - via:
Poland is not yet lost! I'm pleased to say that the Duchy of Warsaw remakes have provisionally funded! We've also had further progress with add-on support: The Redoubt Pack's attracting exactly 40 backer should hopefully mean that the Modular Redoubt... (Read More)

24 Hour Update

March 1st - via:
Hi guys! 24 hours in (well, maybe 25 - had problems connecting earlier!) and we've passed the £8k mark. That means the Opolcheniye, Uhlans, remastered Russian HQ and Russian Chevalier Guard have been unlocked: In addition to that, here's the add-on... (Read More)


February 28th - via:
Hi everyone! Welcome to another Europe Asunder project. Thank so much for lending it your support so quickly! Main Track ProgressWithin 30 minutes the project reached its funding goal and I was very happy to see that within 150 minutes we've already... (Read More)

If you have additional news that doesn't appear here, shoot us a link!